高大、無限の母性パワー―比企尼(ひきのあま)とマーガレット・ボーフォート(エリザベス 1世の曾祖母)


ケンブリッジ大学セント・ジョンズ カレッジ大門楼

ケンブリッジ風景(左側にセント・ジョンズ カレッジ
T 「武者の世」の始まり










U 流罪人頼朝を20年間支えた比企尼(ひきのあま)


その比企尼が歴史上果たした役割と言うべきか、その「大働き」は、後述するイギリス(イングランド)におけるマーガレット・ボーフォート(Margaret Beaufort)を彷彿とさせるものである。









V 薔薇戦争を生き抜いたマーガレット・ボーフォート

1歳の時、政争に敗れて処刑された父親(初代サマセット公爵)を失ったマーガレット・ボーフォート(Margaret Beaufort)は、政界の実力者サフォーク公爵の後見を受けて育ち、1450年2月、7歳にも関わらずサフォーク公の息子ジョンが最初の結婚相手となったが、同年5月、サフォーク公は暗殺され、ジョンとの結婚は無効とされた。

1455年(康正元年、室町幕府・足利義政の時代)、13歳のマーガレットは、国王ヘンリー6世(ランカスター系)の配慮で、リッチモンド伯エドマンド・チューダー(Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond )と結婚した。







1485年8月22日、ボズワースの野(Bosworth Field)でヘンリーと対決した国王リチャード3世は、決定的な敗北を喫した。






W 怠惰な隠遁よりは活発な学問





18歳で即位したマーガレットの孫ヘンリー8世は、祖母の遺産を浪費的な目的に使おうとしたが、フィッシャーはこれに反対、周到にもローマ教皇にも手をまわし1511年、遂にヘンリー8世からセント・ジョンズ カレッジの設立特許状を取り付けたという。



こういう経緯を経て、25年の歳月と莫大な費用(5000ポンド)によって完成されたケンブリッジ大学セント・ジョンズ カレッジこそ、マーガレット・ボーフォート記念碑の最大のものと言うことができよう。今もケンブリッジ風景に一際、色を添えているのは写真の左側に見える同カレッジ入口のアーチ(大門楼)の姿である。


後の清教徒革命において1649(慶安2)年1月30日、ホワイト・ホール宮殿前で3千余の群衆が見守る中で斬首された国王チャールズ1世と同じく、フィッシャーやモアの斬首も 刀ではなく、イングランドの慣習により鉞(まさかり)を用いる首切り役人によって行われた。

ところで、イギリス(イングランド)王室の菩提寺とでも称さるべきウェストミンスター寺院(Westminster Abby)は、その歴史と美しさとによって、「西洋文明の極致」と称えられている。

そして周知のように、セント・ジョンズ カレッジのアーチ(大門楼)に装飾された紋章(Coat of Arms)はイングランドで最も華麗な紋章装飾の一つとして有名である。




Majestic and Infinite Maternal Power

Hiki no ama and Lady Margaret Beaufort (the great-grandmother of Elizabeth I of England)

I : The beginning of the “Age of the Warrior”

In July of 1156, the Imperial Court was divided into the factions of the reigning Emperor Go-Shirakawa and the former Emperor Sutoku due to problems over the imperial accession and an internal conflict within the Sekkan-ke (the five families from which regents were drawn) which saw Fujiwara no Tadamichi and Fujiwara no Yorinaga take opposing sides. The Go-Shirakawa and Tadamichi faction had the support of samurai such as Minamoto no Yoshitomo and Taira no Kiyomori, while the Sutoku and Yorinaga faction had the support of samurai such as Minamoto no Tameyoshi and Taira no Tadamasa, and this led to a battle in Kyoto which saw Emperor Sutoku defeated and exiled to Sanuki Province.

Following the battle, Minamoto no Yoshitomo asked for mercy for the lives of his father, Tameyoshi, who had fought for the Sutoku faction, and his younger brother who had fought with Tameyoshi. However, this was not accepted and he was forced to take on the burden of personally beheading his father and brother at an execution ground at Funaokayama mountain in a northern suburb of Kyoto.

However, the conflict did not end there, three years later Fujiwara no Michinori (also known as Shinzei), who was allied with Taira no Kiyomori and his clan, and who wielded great power as the chief advisor to Emperor Go-Shirakawa, the center of the government, came to be at odds with Fujiwara no Nobuyori, who was allied with Minamoto no Yoshitomo. In early December 1159, Kiyomori went on a pilgrimage to Kumano Sankei, creating a military vacuum in Kyoto which Fujiwara no Nobuyori exploited to launch a coup d'etat against Shinzei and begin the Heiji rebellion.
When Kiyomori heard about the coup while on his way to Kumano, he immediately returned to his base in Rokuhara, and thereafter Kiyomori and his sons, who together had superior military strength, quickly broke the rebellion. Fujiwara no Nobuyori was executed by the end of December, and Minamoto no Yoshitomo withdrew and was forced to flee to the eastern part of Japan.

Militarily defeated and traveling amid incessant snow, a group of eight including Yoshitomo, his eldest son Yoshihira, his second son Tomonaga, and his third son Yoritomo, together with some retainers fled toward the provinces of Mino and Owari. Yoshihira eventually made it to Hokurikudo alone.
There, Yoshihira tried to recruit soldiers, but news of the defeat of the Minamoto clan in the capital had quickly spread and he was unsuccessful.
He returned to Kyoto but was forced to disguise himself as a genin (a person of low rank), and he was captured while attempting to get to Kiyomori, his enemy.

Minamoto no Yoshihira, the heir to Minamoto no Yoshitomo, who was directly descended from Hachimantaro Yoshiie (Minamoto no Yoshiie), a commander who conquered Ou (the two former provinces of Mutsu and Dewa) during the Zenkunen War (Early Nine Years’ War) and the Gosannen War (Later Three Years’ War), was well known for his bravery and had gained the nickname Kamakura Akugenta. 1
Before Yoshihira was executed, Kiyomori treated him well with a lavish meal in consideration of his valor, but Yoshihira would not partake of a single bite and was beheaded with his pride intact.
This was natural conduct for the head of a samurai family in the main branch of the Minamoto clan.

1 The "aku" part of Kamakura Akugenta would normally mean "evil," but in this case rather than meaning evil it means strong.

40 days after Yoshihira's execution, his younger paternal half-brother (Yoshitomo’s third son) Yoritomo was captured by a retainer of Taira No Yorimori, the provincial governor of Mino.
It is said that 14-year-old Yoritomo had such dignity that his captor Taira no Munekiyo was overwhelmed with awe.

Furthermore, it is believed that just before Minamoto no Yoritomo announced his name as “Uhyoe no suke (assistant captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards) Yoritomo, 13 years old” at the battle of the Heiji rebellion, he had been slashing at the enemy while being nimble on his feet.
At that time, despite the fact that he was Yoshitomo’s third son, he wore armour called Genta no Ubugi and had a sword called Higekiri.
Both items had been worn by Hachimantaro Yoshiie and as they were normally passed down to the heir of the Minamoto clan they should have been worn and carried by Yoshihira, however Yoshitomo found the qualities befitting the main branch of the Minamoto clan in his third son Yoritomo.

As mentioned previously, three years prior, after the Hogen rebellion in which Yoshitomo and Kiyomori had fought together, Yoshitomo had asked for mercy for his father, Tameyoshi, who had fought on the enemy’s side and was defeated, but he was not pardoned.
Yoshitomo was forced to take on the burden of beheading his father and very young brother at Funaokayama Mountain in a northern suburb of Kyoto, and after that there were probably many factors that influenced his decision-making.

During his escape from Kyoto, Yoshitomo lost his horse due to a battle with units hunting down fleeing rebels and arrived in Owari Province (present-day Mihama-cho, Chita District, Aichi Prefecture) three days later barefoot, but he was betrayed at the place he was staying and killed (aged 38), and his head was displayed in Kyoto, the capital city.

Yoritomo (14) was separated from his father Yoshitomo and his party and, as previously mentioned, was captured and taken to Rokuhara, where it would have been natural for his fate to end with a beheading, however instead he was exiled to Izu after Ike no zenni, the stepmother of Taira no Kiyomori, begged for his life.
As a result, Yoritomo was forced to live under the supervision of the Taira clan for 20 years in current day Nirayama, Izunokuni City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Officially, he was concentrating on sutra chanting as an exile (local samurai) in order to pray to Buddha for the souls of his father Yoshitomo and his older brother Yoshihira, who had been executed by the Taira clan.

II. Hiki no ama - Yoritomo’s supporter throughout his 20 years of exile

Minamoto no Yoritomo was born on April 8, 1147 in the villa of Fujiwara no Suenori (current day Seigan-ji Temple), located on the west side of Atsuta Shrine.
His mother was Yura-Gozen, the third daughter of Fujiwara no Suenori, who was favored by former Emperor Go-Toba and who had been appointed as the High Priest of Atsuta Shrine. 

Some additional information of interest is that the mother of Yoshitomo’s eldest son, Yoshihira, who was known for his courage, was a daughter of Miura Yoshiaki, a chieftain of a powerful clan in the Miura Peninsula, and the mother of his middle son, Tomonaga, was the younger sister of Hadano Yoshimichi, a chieftain of a clan in West Sagami (current day Hadano City).
When Yoritomo was born his father Yoshitomo appointed three of wives of a powerful family in the Kanto region to be menoto (wet nurses for a noble baby), and one of these women was Hiki no ama, the wife of Kamonnojo Hiki, a local governor of Hiki-gun, Musashi Province.

Whether it should be said that Hiki no ama played a major role in history or not, her life serves as a vivid reflection of Lady Margaret Beaufort of England, whose life will be described in part III.
From her residence (according to legend) located in the vicinity of Mikadoyakata, current day 1237 Izumi, Namegawa-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture, Hiki no ama sent food and supplies (such as rice, wheat, money and people) once a month for 20 years to Nirayama(Hirugakojima2) in Izu where Yoritomo lived in exile.

As the wife of Hiki Tomune, a lord (local magistrate) of Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture, Hiki no ama not only sent supplies to Yoritomo every month, but also sent her eldest daughter (Tango no Naishi) and her daughter’s husband Adachi Morinaga (who would later become one of Yoritomo’s men), her second eldest daughter (Kawagoe no ama) and her husband Kawagoe Shigeyori (from a powerful clan in Musashi Province), and her third eldest daughter and her husband Ito Sukekiyo (from a clan in Izu Province), with some being with Yoritomo for as long as 20 years in order to serve him as attendants.

The state of the world at the time was that it was said “Nothing happened for anyone save by the will of the Taira family,” so it can only be imagined how hard it had been for these people, and how they devised a way to survive. Even though Yoritomo could be called the “head of the Minamoto clan,” it was their lives which supported him when he was merely a country samurai in exile. Against such headwinds, his wet nurse, Hiki no ama, was a central figure of unswerving loyalty in the 20-year struggle of a tireless samurai who would establish the first samurai government in Japan.

When Minamoto no Yoritomo (34), the head of the Minamoto clan who had endured 20 years of exile in patience, stood up to overthrow the Taira clan in August 1180, he only had about 10 soldiers, of whom 4 were brothers of the Omi Genji Sasaki clan.

Sasaki Hideyoshi of the Omi-Genji had fought under Yoshitomo in the Heiji rebellion which they lost, and he had gone to the eastern part of Japan where he hoped to be able to rely on the Northern Fujiwara clan for support while Yoshitomo’s head was displayed in Kyoto.
Hideyoshi followed the advice of Shibuya Shigekuni, a chieftain of a clan in Shibuya-so, Sagami Province, who was fascinated with his valor, and he lived with the Shibuya clan together with his second and third eldest sons, Tsunetaka and Moritsuna.
His eldest son Sadatsuna stayed with the Utsunomiya clan in Tochigi Prefecture, and his young fourth son Takatsuna was left with relatives at his home in Kyoto.

It should be noted that Hideyoshi, who would learn about Yoritomo’s actual living conditions in exile via letters from Hiki no ama, demonstrated his own devotion by sending each of his four children to serve Yoritomo as soon as each one came of age.

On the night of August 17, 1180, 30 men of Yoritomo’s father-in-law Houjou Tokimasa struck at the residence of Yamaki Kanetaka, mokudai (similar to a current day prefectural governor) of Izu. Meanwhile, the Sasaki brothers, who left behind Moritsuna as a bodyguard for Yoritomo from among the 10 remaining men, as a party of just 3, attacked the residence of Tsutsumi Gonnokami, a metsuke (similar to a current day police chief).

Under a bright full moon, an arrow shot by Tsunetaka, who had scaled a fence, passed through a wooden door at the entrance of the main house, and was described as “the first Genji arrow to conquer the Taira clan” in the history book Azuma Kagami (a Japanese medieval text that chronicles the events of the Kamakura Shogunate).
Although Yoritomo expected that the Kanto-Genji clan would join him soon, there can be no mistaking the fact that by standing up to the Taira clan (and overthrowing the Japanese ruling system) with only ten men, that he was ready to die.

2 The place name of Hirugakojima can be confused in Japanese for the name of an island, but actually it is located inland in current day Nirayama in Izunokuni City.

The outstanding lineage, or qualities, that he had inherited from Hachimantaro Yoshiie, and the education he had received from childhood as the head of a samurai family (the Minamoto clan), enabled him to act as a 'true noble’ who possessed the courage to stand alone despite the odds against him.

The deep feelings of the handful of people who supported Yoritomo in his exile from the ages of 14 to 34 can only be guessed at. Adachi Morinaga, the Sasaki brothers, and in particular Hiki no ama, played a role at the very start of Yoritomo’s massive achievement in establishing Japan’s first samurai government.
Hiki no ama, who not only faithfully sent food, etc., but also personally gave careful attention and made preparations for Yoritomo’s surroundings, who had to bide his time for 20 years, is a person who is very similar to Lady Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII of England who founded the Tudor Dynasty.

III. Lady Margaret Beaufort, survivor of the Wars of the Roses

Lady Margaret Beaufort lost her father, John Beaufort (the first Duke of Somerset), at the young age of one after he died following a political dispute and she grew up under the guardianship of the Duke of Suffolk, a powerful politician. In February 1450, despite being only seven years old, she was married to the Duke of Suffolk’s son, John de la Pole, but in May of the same year the duke was murdered and her marriage to John was later annulled.

In 1455, 13-year-old Margaret married Edmund Tudor, the Earl of Richmond, as requested of her by King Henry VI of England (of the Lancaster family).
That same year, however, the Wars of the Roses started and both Henry VI and her husband Edmund were captured by their enemies the Yorkists, and Margaret, who suffered the misfortune of Edmund's death in prison the following year, gave birth to a boy two months after his death.
This boy would become King Henry VII (grandfather of Queen Elizabeth I), and the founder of the Tudor Dynasty.

The Wars of the Roses had now fully erupted, and the lives of noble families close to the throne dangled in constant lethal peril. Margaret, a 13-year-old widow, hid at a castle in Wales under the protection of her brother-in-law Jasper Tudor, the Earl of Pembroke, and here she gave birth to Henry.

While she was at Pembroke Castle (one of the largest castles in Wales and a Grade I listed building since 1951), Margaret married for a third time to Sir Henry Stafford, the son of the Duke of Buckingham, perhaps through the efforts of Jasper Tudor, but her husband would later also die young in 1471, leaving Margaret a widow once more at the age of 28.

By blood, Margaret and Henry were Lancastrians and were forced into the cruel fate of confinement, and eventually 14-year-old Henry was exiled to France along with his uncle Jasper Tudor in 1471. Henry would spend the next 14 years in Brittany.

Later, while in her early 30s, Margaret would marry for a fourth time to Thomas Stanley, who would later become the 1st Earl of Derby, and who was a trusted retainer of King Edward IV, a Yorkist.

In 1470, when King Edward IV (a Yorkist) was forced into exile by Richard Neville, the Earl of Warwick, who had switched sides to the Lancastrians, the future King Richard III, who was devoted to his older brother Edward, helped restore him back to the throne the following year. When Edward died of an illness in 1483, Richard named himself Lord Protector for his nephew King Edward V, but he soon confined his nephew Edward and his younger brother in the Tower of London.

King Richard III succeeded his brother Edward, and his parliament deprived Margaret of her titles and Henry of his private rights.
However, Margaret had stayed in secret contact with her son during his exile in France ever since Edward IV’s restoration to the throne in 1471, and had also acted with political forethought, such as seeking reconciliation with powerful backers of the Yorkists.

In August 1485, following Edward IV's death, and in perfect step with his mother's efforts to overthrow Richard III and place her son Henry on the throne, King Louis XI of France helped Henry to land at the mouth of the Milford Haven waterway in Wales together with French soldiers, Scottish soldiers and a few exiles that included his uncle Jasper Tudor. He took advantage of Richard III’s poor reputation at the time over the imprisonment of his two young nephews in the Tower of London.

The warlike and militant Welsh people were known as “an old and arrogant people who are proud of their armour” even during the peaceful years of the Tudor Dynasty, and they enthusiastically welcomed Henry Tudor, who had lived there as a child.
After around a week of very careful marching toward Shrewsbury in England, Henry assembled a small but powerful army.

On August 22, 1485, Richard III was decisively defeated in a showdown with Henry at the Battle of Bosworth Field.
Many of Richard’s subjects were ashamed to fight under his banner, and Lord Stanley (Margaret's husband), who was supposed to be a loyal subject of the Yorkists, defected at this very important moment.

Henry led about 5,000 men at the Battle of Bosworth Field, and he made a short decisive attack on Richard’s forces, who outnumbered Henry’s men by two to one, but Richard’s numerical superiority began to tell, and just when it appeared that all was lost, the army of Henry’s stepfather (Lord Stanley, Margaret's fourth husband) entered the fray against Richard, betraying him at the last moment just like Kobayakawa Hideaki’s betrayal of Ishida Mitsunari at the Battle of Sekigahara.

It is said that Richard III was beaten in battle and became the only King of England to die on the battlefield since King Harold II was defeated by William the Conqueror in 1066. His body was stripped naked, hung upside down on the back of a horse and carried to a place of burial.

As the historian George Macaulay Trevelyan pointed out, the Wars of the Roses were a kind of a bloodletting inflicted by the English aristocracy on themselves.
Although there were many intermittent battles, ordinary people and the land were not ravaged, however, many nobles did disappear.

After 25 years of repeated conflict and their consequences, there were no heirs to the throne left who could be called Lancastrian or Yorkist, and Margaret's son, Henry Tudor, the 1st Earl of Richmond, became the founder of the Tudor dynasty as King Henry VII of England.

At that time, Margaret was 42 years old and Henry VII was 28 years old, but for 28 years Margaret had shelter at her relative's castle (Pembroke Castle) in Wales, located in a remote region, the same place where the 13 year-old pregnant widow had given birth to Henry.

With the disappearance of the great noble families who could veer away from the state system and compete for power with the king, England under the Tudor dynasty could take its first step as a modern state before other European countries.

IV. Active schooling rather than idle seclusion

As can be understood from the above, the first half of Lady Margaret Beaufort’s life was very eventful, and over the course of the majestic second half of her life she became an outstanding woman in English history.
When her son Henry became King, Margaret withdrew from politics and rarely appeared in Henry's court.
The person who had the greatest influence on her later life, a time when she became known for her respect for God and devotion to faith and charity, was her chaplain confessor John Fisher, who would later be appointed as the bishop of Rochester Cathedral, the second oldest cathedral in England after Canterbury Cathedral.

Fisher was appointed as the Chancellor of the University of Cambridge in 1504 and was seen as a rare and brilliant person, and it was he who invited humanist Erasmus (the author of the extraordinary bestseller In Praise of Folly) and who had a close relationship with Thomas More, the author of Utopia, from the Netherlands (Low Countries) to Cambridge.

The devout Margaret had ambitious plans to expand Westminster Abbey, but Fisher, who was a strict Catholic talked of the need for “active schooling rather than idle seclusion” in order to counter the growing Renaissance spirit of the times (15th to 16th centuries), and he persuaded her to use her enormous fortune from her vast lands on education.
As such, in 1505 Christ's College of Cambridge University was founded.

Noted alumni of Christ's College include John Milton, who wrote “Paradise Lost” which was published in 1667 (during the time of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi) and which is considered to be a representative piece of Christian literature alongside “Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy”. He was admitted to the college in 1625 and acquired a master's degree in 1632.
Later, the author of The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin, would enter the college in 1827 and, after graduating in 1831, he boarded the HMS Beagle as a naturalist to do research in South America and the South Pacific Ocean.

In 1508, Fisher received permission from King Henry VII to found another college on the ruins of Saint John’s Abbey, but both the King and Margaret died the following year, and it did not come to pass.
King Henry VIII, Margaret’s grandson, ascended the throne aged 18, and he attempted to use his inheritance from his grandmother for extravagant purposes, which Fisher opposed. In 1511, Fisher circumspectly contacted the Pope in Rome, and finally obtained permission from Henry [ to found St. John's College.

As a side note, Henry VIII was a tall, elegant man who was proficient with bows with a heavy draw weight and a fearsome opponent in jousts. Furthermore, he was also a very skilled musician, with both instruments and singing, and was regarded as a great man.
He was the second son of Henry VII, but his brother Arthur, who had been engaged to Catherine of Aragon (daughter of the King of the powerful nation of Spain), had died young 6 years prior to Henry VII’s death.

Marriage between a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law was prohibited by church law, but Henry VIII’s first act as king was to marry Catherine. Henry VIII had six children with Catherine but none of their three sons survived. He divorced Catherine, leading to a confrontation with the Pope and Henry’s excommunication, and would later marry five more times and divorce twice more, with two of his wives having their lives ended through beheadings. The child of Anne Boleyn, a court lady who became Henry’s second queen until eventually being beheaded, would later be crowned as Queen Elizabeth I.

St. John's College in the University of Cambridge took 25 years to complete at an enormous cost of 5,000 pounds, and it can be said to be the greatest monument to Lady Margaret Beaufort.
Even today, standing out prominently within Cambridge, the arch at the entrance of the college, as seen in the photo, majestically stands out.

At her funeral, Bishop Fisher is said to have stated that, “All of England has a cause to shed tears at her death.”

The bronze effigy of Lady Margaret Beaufort at her tomb in the Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey was crafted by Italian sculptor Pietro Torrigiano, and it is considered to be a masterpiece of early Renaissance sculpture.

Seeing it for the first time, the detail of the wrinkles of her hands in prayer is particularly impressive.

Incidentally, and as is well known, Fisher and More would both experience Henry VIII’s (Margaret's grandson) anger when they opposed his policy of establishing the Anglican Church and breaking with the Pope, which happened against the background of the strengthening of English national power. Fisher was beheaded on June 22, 1535, and his head put on a pike on London Bridge, and Thomas More, the author of Utopia and Lord Chancellor, the highest government rank, would share Fisher’s fate two weeks later on July 6.

Furthermore, just like the later King Charles I, who was beheaded on January 30, 1649, in front of a crowd of more than 3,000 outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall after the Puritan Revolution, Fisher and More were not beheaded with a sword, but by an executioner with an axe as per English custom.

In contrast, executioners in Japan used a sword as per a custom that had been passed down unchanged since during the Tokugawa Shogunate, and it was only in 1880 that the last such executioner, Yamada Asaemon (8th generation) was dismissed (made unemployed as an executioner).
Actually, Westminster Abbey, which should be called the family church for the British royal family, has been praised as the “peak of Western civilization" because of its history and beauty.
Although the UK itself is said to be a “repository of coat of arms," I think this church could be called a "treasury of coat of arms."

In particular, the Henry VII Chapel, which occupies a part of the church (the deepest part) and where Margaret is buried, is said to be "the most beautiful chapel in both the east and west of the Christian world."

As is well known, the coat of arms carved into the arch of the Great Gate of St. John's College is famous as one of England's most splendid coat of arms.

On the left side of the Beaufort family crest, which is supported by yales, unique supporters of the Beaufort family, is a red rose as the badge (not a coat of arms) of the House of Lancaster, and on the right side is a portcullis as the badge (not a coat of arms) of the House of Beaufort.

The flanking yales are imaginary antelope-like animals that have swivelling horns so that they can handle attacks from all directions.
John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford and the son of King Henry IV (of the House of Lancaster), first adopted a yale with distinctive horns, very large fangs, and streaks of gold fur as one of his heraldic supporters, but he had no children and he was succeeded by his cousin John Beaufort, Earl of Kendall (father of Margaret), and the yale has since then been well known for appearing in the Beaufort family crest.

Considering the strong luck that Margaret and her son had, having survived the disastrous 30 years of the Wars of the Roses, and the complicated role that Lady Margaret Beaufort played throughout this time which included four marriages, the yale could be said to have served as a unique guardian for Margaret and the Beaufort family. 

Hiki no ama and Lady Margaret Beaufort, who between them fought and persevered against 20 years or more of hardship with an indomitable spirit toward distinct historical events, such as Japan’s first samurai government and the founding of the Tudor Dynasty, shared over and above their respective times, a majestic and infinite maternal power.

比企尼(ひきのあま) いざ鎌倉の 道拓(ひら)く